"Ordinary concerns, such as work or friends, have no place here. Futility muffles thought; time elongates cruelly. Who is to blame for this situation? Those with depression think it must be them. Pointlessness and self-loathing govern them. So the natural final step is suicide. People with depression don’t kill themselves to frighten an errant boyfriend. They kill themselves because it is the obvious and right thing to do at that point. It is the only positive step they can think of."

-- Kay McKallan Ipswich general practitioner and consumer with depression, writing in the British Medical Journal

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Boy the Bullies Love to Beat Up, Repeatedly

"Bullying is a problem in every school in the world, which may seem like a simplistic answer, but it's true," said Andrew Mellor, the manager of the Anti-Bullying Network at the University of Edinburgh, an association funded by the Scottish government to provide schools and students with information and support. Bullying is not only physical; it can be psychological as well. Physical bullying is not as common as the more subtle forms, such as social exclusion, name-calling, and gossip.

In this story posted in the New York Times, a young boy, Billy Wolfe, was constantly bullied and harassed by his peers but school officials did little to nothing to punish his bullies.

"I pray to God every day they don't kill him," said his mother, Ms. Wolfe. "Because of all the things that have happened, I honestly don't know if he's going to be O.K."

In this article of the New York Times, reporter, Dan Barry said, "Not long after, a boy on the school bus pummeled Billy, but somehow Billy was the one suspended, despite his pleas that the bus’s security camera would prove his innocence. Days later, Ms. Wolfe recalls, the principal summoned her, presented a box of tissues, and played the bus video that clearly showed Billy was telling the truth."

You can read for yourself about this young man who constantly fought for his life and lived through the hardest part of a teens life...

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